La Mer the Treatment Lotion 15ml



    La Mer’s water-based skin care lotion has intense skin revitalizing properties or ‘Serum Strength’ that helps reduce the appearance of lines, deep grooves, and pores, making the skin look healthy. Helps enhance the youthful feel of the skin. Reveals skin that looks firmer  With a mixture of Miracle Broth™ concentrated water extracts that are more than the original formula. which is like the power of the skin that enhances the skin’s performance and ‘recharges’ the skin, helping it look healthy and youthful. The unique texture of Active Liquid Hydrogel allows The Treatment Lotion to absorb quickly into the skin. and provide benefits in regular skin care Fine lines and furrows look noticeably faded. Skin feels firmer. Reveals skin that looks more radiant

    • Moisturizes and prepares the skin for the next step of nourishment.
    • The skin looks soft, smooth and helps the skin tone look even.



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